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Attention! Nationwide recall in effect for certain apple sauce pouches. Learn more.

Effective July 15th: Learn more about changes to HSCSN provider electronic funds transfer (EFT).

Health Programs for DC Residents

DC Medicaid Resources 

Health Check Program for Children (EPSDT) 

HSCSN wants to help your children grow up healthy. If your child is in the DC Healthy Families (Medicaid) program, your child will be in the DC Health Check Program. This program is also called Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT). This program starts right after your child is born and lasts until your child turns 21. The Health Check Program gives your child several important checkups. Find out how you can get a $15 dollar gift card for having yearly medical and dental checkups! Call your Care Manager at (202) 467-4737

EPSDT Brochure [PDF]

EPSDT One Pager [PDF]

Immigrant Children

If your child is in the Immigrant Children’s Program, he or she will get well-child care services. This program lasts until your child turns 21. In addition to well-child care, your child can also get the benefits described in the Your Health Benefits section in the enrollee handbook. Immigrant children are only eligible for health care services while enrolled in HSCSN. 

The IDEA Program

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law. The IDEA program gives special services for children with: 

  • Developmental delays
  • Disabilities
  • Special needs

Children up through age 3 receive early intervention services from HSCSN. Children age 4 and older receive special educational services from D.C. Public Schools and D.C. Public Charter Schools. 

Early Intervention Program 

The Early Intervention Program helps parents, service providers, and others work together to help your child. Have your child tested if you are worried about how your child is growing. This test is called an IDEA evaluation.  The Early Intervention Program gives service and support to families with children who: 

•    Have developmental delays
•    Are at risk for developmental delays

You do not have to pay for these services for your child: they are free. If you have any questions or need help with a ride or scheduling an appointment, please call Customer Care at (202) 467-2737 or 1 (866) 937-4549.