Health Services for Children with Special Needs, Inc. (HSCSN) is a health plan that is funded by the District of Columbia Department of Health Care Finance. Our Enrollee Handbook gives you basic information about how HSCSN works. If you have any questions, please call HSCSN Customer Care at 202-467-2737 or 866-937-4549, anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Updated: July 2023
- Enrollee Handbook [English - PDF]
- Enrollee Handbook [Spanish - PDF]
- Enrollee Handbook [French - PDF]
- Enrollee Handbook [Chinese - PDF]
- Enrollee Handbook [Amharic - PDF]
- Enrollee Handbook [Korean - PDF]
- Enrollee Handbook [Vietnamese - PDF]
From the Handbook

See what health care services are covered by the HSCSN health plan.

See a list of these services you have a right to and what you are responsible for as an HSCSN enrollee.

If you believe that services were unfairly denied, reduced, delayed or stopped, you have a right to file an appeal and request a fair hearing.

If you are unhappy with something that happened to you while working with HSCSN, you can file a grievance.

Access forms related to your benefits and services.