HSCSN is the contracted health care plan provider for the District of Columbia’s Child and Adolescent Supplemental Security Income Program (CASSIP) for children and young adults. HSCSN provides complete care for children and young adults with special health care needs. To be a CASSIP Eligible Enrollee, you or your child must receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits or have an SSI related disability. If you decide to choose HSCSN please contact our Please contact Customer Care at (202) 467-2737.
Who can join HSCSN?
You may choose to enroll in HSCSN if you are:
Under 26 years of age
Washington, D.C. resident
Receiving SSI disability benefits or have an SSI-related disability
If you decide to choose to enroll in HSCSN please contact our Enrollment Analyst at (202) 580-6485 or 1 (866) 937-4549.
How can I learn more about HSCSN?
To learn more about enrolling in HSCSN, contact the Enrollment Analyst at (202) 580-6485 or 1 (866) 937-4549. We will help you through the process and answer questions about your choices.