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Attention! Nationwide recall in effect for certain apple sauce pouches. Learn more.

Effective July 15th: Learn more about changes to HSCSN provider electronic funds transfer (EFT).

Pharmacy Benefits

CVS/Caremark manages the Pharmacy Benefit for HSCSN. You can sign-up on the Caremark website to get additional information about Caremark services.

List of Covered Drugs (Drug Formulary)

All drugs covered through HSCSN are on the Drug Formulary. The formulary is another name for a list of prescription drugs. We update the list once every quarter. To get a copy of the Drug Formulary, call HSCSN Customer Care at (202) 467-2737 or 1 (866) 937-4549.

Find a medication or pharmacy

Your HSCSN pharmacy benefits are through CVS Health. To learn how to find a medication and a pharmacy, call:

Also, check the list of frequently asked questions below.

Pharmacy Locations 

 Pharmacy Network

Our pharmacy network is managed by CVS Health Pharmacy Network, for local and national pharmacies in the United States. If you wish to find out if your pharmacy is a part of the CVS Health Pharmacy Network, please call CVS Customer Care at (866) 885-4944 or click the link below.

Click here for more pharmacy locations.

Retail chains include:

  • CVS Pharmacy
  • Walgreens
  • Rite Aid
  • Costco
  • Safeway 
  • Giant 
  • Harris Teeter
  • Walmart 
  • Target

DC Pharmacies in the CVS Network 

Download the list of all in-network pharmacies [PDF]. HSCSN updates this list regularly.

To Get a Prescription Filled

If you have an HSCSN Enrollee ID card:

  • Pick a pharmacy in the CVS Health network and close to home or work.
  • Take your HSCSN ID Card with you to the pharmacy. The pharmacy will contact HSCSN for other information needed to fill your prescription.
  • Do not pay for any medications.
  • If the pharmacy asks you to pay or if you have other questions, call HSCSN Customer Care at (202) 467-2737 or 1 (866) 937-4549.

If you do not have an HSCSN ID card:

To get a prescription filled:

Pick a pharmacy that is part of the HSCSN network and is close to your work or home. When you have a prescription, go to the pharmacy, and give the pharmacist your prescription and your HSCSN Enrollee ID Card. If you need help, please call Customer Care Services at (202) 467-2737, 1 (866) 937-4549, or TTY/TTD (202) 467-2709.

Things to remember:

You should not be asked to pay for your medicines. Call HSCSN Customer Care Services if the pharmacy or drug store asks you to pay. y Sometimes, your doctor may need to get prior authorization (PA) from HSCSN for a drug. While your doctor is waiting for the prior authorization, you have a right to get the medication:

  • For up to 72 hours or
  • For one full round of the medicine if you take it less than once a day

If you need help or have questions:

 CVS Caremark Mail Order Service

Enrollees now have the ability to obtain a 90 day supply of medication. If you wish to switch to Mail Order:

Download the Mail Service Fax Form 

Specialty Medications

For specialty medications, HSCSN uses CVS Specialty Pharmacy. For more information on specialty medications please call CVS Health (800) 237-2767. Forms can be faxed to (800) 323-2445, or visit

Prior Authorizations

In some cases, CVS Health will need to approve the use of medications based on medical reasons. This is called a prior authorization (PA). To submit a PA request, have your doctor complete the PA form below and fax it to CVS Health at 1-888-836-0730. Your doctor can also call CVS Utilization Management Department at (877) 433-7643

While you wait for PA approval, your pharmacist may provide your medication:

  • For up to 7 days or
  • For one full round of the medication if you take it less than once a day

Download the PA Form

Prior Authorization Information

Formulary Exceptions

If you are currently taking a medication that is not on the Preferred Drug List, your doctor can request an exception by faxing the exception request form below to CVS Health at 1-888-836-0730. If your doctor has any questions about the PA form, call 1-800-294-5979. Your doctor can also call CVS Utilization Management Department at (877) 433-7643

Download the Exception Form

We Want to Hear From You

Enrollees - If you have any questions about your pharmacy benefits or the formulary contact: