Attention! Nationwide recall in effect for certain apple sauce pouches. Learn more.
Effective July 15th: Learn more about changes to HSCSN provider electronic funds transfer (EFT).
Attention! Nationwide recall in effect for certain apple sauce pouches. Learn more.
Effective July 15th: Learn more about changes to HSCSN provider electronic funds transfer (EFT).
If you would prefer to look at the entire list of primary care and specialty providers within the HSCSN network, you can download the Provider Directory.
Choosing your Primary Care Provider (PCP) and dentist is one of the most important things you will do as an enrollee. If you have not chosen a doctor yet, use these steps to get started.
If you have a question about whether HSCSN covers certain health care, call Customer Care at (202) 467-2737 or 1 (866) 937-4549.
You can change your PCP or dentist anytime, for any reason. To do this:
See what health care services are covered by the HSCSN health plan.
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Talal Al-Qaoud also speaks English
106 Irving Street, NW
POB Suite 215
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Talal Al-Qaoud is ADA Accessible
Talal Al-Qaoud is
Accepting new patients
Talal Al-Qaoud is Near public transportation
Talal Al-Qaoud has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Evan Argintar also speaks Spanish
106 Irving Street, NW
POB Suite 5000
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Evan Argintar is ADA Accessible
Evan Argintar is
Accepting new patients
Evan Argintar is Near public transportation
Evan Argintar has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Rocco Armonda also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite G019
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Rocco Armonda is ADA Accessible
Rocco Armonda is
Accepting new patients
Rocco Armonda is Near public transportation
Rocco Armonda has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Edward Aulisi also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite G019
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
George Washington Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Edward Aulisi is ADA Accessible
Edward Aulisi is
Accepting new patients
Edward Aulisi is Near public transportation
Edward Aulisi has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Ahmareen Baten also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite G019
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Ahmareen Baten is ADA Accessible
Ahmareen Baten is
Accepting new patients
Ahmareen Baten is Near public transportation
Ahmareen Baten has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Joseph Choi also speaks Korean
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite G019
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Joseph Choi is ADA Accessible
Joseph Choi is
Accepting new patients
Joseph Choi is Near public transportation
Joseph Choi has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Matthew Cooper also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Room 3D 33
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Matthew Cooper is ADA Accessible
Matthew Cooper is
Accepting new patients
Matthew Cooper is Near public transportation
Matthew Cooper has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Vinay Deshmukh also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Vinay Deshmukh is ADA Accessible
Vinay Deshmukh is
Accepting new patients
Vinay Deshmukh is Near public transportation
Vinay Deshmukh has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Wiemi Douoguih also speaks French
106 Irving Street, NW
POB Suite 5000
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Wiemi Douoguih is ADA Accessible
Wiemi Douoguih is
Accepting new patients
Wiemi Douoguih is Near public transportation
Wiemi Douoguih has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Tammer Elmarsafi also speaks Arabic
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite 3900
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Tammer Elmarsafi is ADA Accessible
Tammer Elmarsafi is
Accepting new patients
Tammer Elmarsafi is Near public transportation
Tammer Elmarsafi has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Akhil Khanna also speaks Hindi, Spanish
106 Irving Street, NW
POB Suite 5000
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Akhil Khanna is ADA Accessible
Akhil Khanna is
Accepting new patients
Akhil Khanna is Near public transportation
Akhil Khanna has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Grant Kleiber also speaks English
106 Irving Street, NW
POB North Tower Suite 3400
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Grant Kleiber is ADA Accessible
Grant Kleiber is
Accepting new patients
Grant Kleiber is Near public transportation
Grant Kleiber has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Jay Lustbader also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite 1A-1
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Jay Lustbader is ADA Accessible
Jay Lustbader is
Accepting new patients
Jay Lustbader is Near public transportation
Jay Lustbader has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Jeffrey Mai also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite G019
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Jeffrey Mai is ADA Accessible
Jeffrey Mai is
Accepting new patients
Jeffrey Mai is Near public transportation
Jeffrey Mai has Cultural competency
Gender Female
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Prerna Malla also speaks Hindi
110 Irving Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Prerna Malla is ADA Accessible
Prerna Malla is
Accepting new patients
Prerna Malla is Near public transportation
Prerna Malla has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Robert Mason also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite G019
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Robert Mason is ADA Accessible
Robert Mason is
Accepting new patients
Robert Mason is Near public transportation
Robert Mason has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Jose Merino-Juarez also speaks French
110 Irving Street, NW
1st Floor
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Jose Merino-Juarez is ADA Accessible
Jose Merino-Juarez is
Accepting new patients
Jose Merino-Juarez is Near public transportation
Jose Merino-Juarez has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Andrew Mo also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
11th Floor
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Andrew Mo is ADA Accessible
Andrew Mo is
Accepting new patients
Andrew Mo is Near public transportation
Andrew Mo has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Brian Nguyen also speaks English
106 Irving Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Brian Nguyen is ADA Accessible
Brian Nguyen is
Accepting new patients
Brian Nguyen is Near public transportation
Brian Nguyen has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Kevin O'Malley also speaks English
106 Irving Street, NW
POB Suite 5000
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Kevin O'Malley is ADA Accessible
Kevin O'Malley is
Accepting new patients
Kevin O'Malley is Near public transportation
Kevin O'Malley has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Benjamin Osborne also speaks English
106 Irving Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Benjamin Osborne is ADA Accessible
Benjamin Osborne is
Accepting new patients
Benjamin Osborne is Near public transportation
Benjamin Osborne has Cultural competency
Gender Female
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Christy Petyak also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite C2151
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Christy Petyak is ADA Accessible
Christy Petyak is
Accepting new patients
Christy Petyak is Near public transportation
Christy Petyak has Cultural competency
Gender Female
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Sana Somani also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Sana Somani is ADA Accessible
Sana Somani is
Accepting new patients
Sana Somani is Near public transportation
Sana Somani has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Jeffrey Steinberg also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite 3900
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Jeffrey Steinberg is ADA Accessible
Jeffrey Steinberg is
Accepting new patients
Jeffrey Steinberg is Near public transportation
Jeffrey Steinberg has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Samir Sur also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite G019
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Samir Sur is ADA Accessible
Samir Sur is
Accepting new patients
Samir Sur is Near public transportation
Samir Sur has Cultural competency
Gender Female
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Pamela Tan also speaks Arabic, French, Spanish
106 Irving Street, NW
POB Suite 5000
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Pamela Tan is ADA Accessible
Pamela Tan is
Accepting new patients
Pamela Tan is Near public transportation
Pamela Tan has Cultural competency
Gender Female
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Nicole Terry also speaks English
106 Irving Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Nicole Terry is ADA Accessible
Nicole Terry is
Accepting new patients
Nicole Terry is Near public transportation
Nicole Terry has Cultural competency
Gender Female
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Punam Thakkar also speaks Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi
106 Irving Street, NW
POB Suite 5000
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Punam Thakkar is ADA Accessible
Punam Thakkar is
Accepting new patients
Punam Thakkar is Near public transportation
Punam Thakkar has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Athanasios Thomaides also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite 215
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Athanasios Thomaides is ADA Accessible
Athanasios Thomaides is
Accepting new patients
Athanasios Thomaides is Near public transportation
Athanasios Thomaides has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Arul Thomas also speaks English
106 Irving Street, NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Arul Thomas is ADA Accessible
Arul Thomas is
Accepting new patients
Arul Thomas is Near public transportation
Arul Thomas has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Joseph Verbalis also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Joseph Verbalis is ADA Accessible
Joseph Verbalis is
Accepting new patients
Joseph Verbalis is Near public transportation
Joseph Verbalis has Cultural competency
Gender Female
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Melissa Weeter also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Cancer Institute 1st Floor
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Melissa Weeter is ADA Accessible
Melissa Weeter is
Accepting new patients
Melissa Weeter is Near public transportation
Melissa Weeter has Cultural competency
Gender Male
Mon-Fri 8:30A - 5P
Philip Zapanta also speaks English
110 Irving Street, NW
Suite 3900
Washington, DC 20010
Get Directions
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Ward 5
Additional Information
Philip Zapanta is ADA Accessible
Philip Zapanta is
Accepting new patients
Philip Zapanta is Near public transportation
Philip Zapanta has Cultural competency